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    187 Hughson Street South
    Hamilton, ON, L8N 2B6

    (905) 528-4111

    Kitching Cardiology provides excellence in Cardiology Services 

    Tests and Preparation

    Please bring any pills, prescriptions or medications you have to your appointment.

    Types of Tests


    An Electrocardiogram is a relatively simple and short test that records the electrical activity of the heart. This test is done in a patient exam room by a registered ECG technologist, usually taking 5 minutes or less. Patient removes clothing from the waist up and lays on a table where electrodes are placed on the chest measuring heart activity. 

    24-48 Hour Ambulatory ECG Recorder (Holter)

    Similar to an ECG, this test measures electrical heart activity over a 24 hour period. The patient is taken to the holter lab and a registered technologist applies electrodes to the chest where they will stay for up to 24 hours. 

    1. Do not get the monitor wet, no bathing or showering with the monitor
    2. No lotion or oil
    3. Please make sure you wear loose and comfortable clothing
    4. For our female patients - we ask that you wear a bra
    5. If the electrodes come off during the recording process, please leave them. Do not put different tape on the wires. Let the receptionist know what happened when you bring the monitor back

    The patient will be given a time the next day to return and have the monitor removed. Please do not attempt to remove the monitor yourself. 

    24 Hour Blood Pressure Recording

    A portable Blood Pressure cuff is applied to the patient's arm by a registered technologist and is sent home with instructions of proper care and removal of the equipment. The Blood Pressure Cuff will actively record BP readings throughout a 24 hour period. Short sleeves should be worn.


    An echocardiogram, also known as a heart ultrasound. The patient is taken to the echo lab where electrodes are applied to the chest and the patient is asked to lie down on the echo bed for the duration of the test. Ultrasound gel is applied to a transducer, which is placed on specific areas of the chest to acquire a visual picture of the moving heart. Images are digitally recorded and stored where Dr. Kitching is able to view them immediately.

    Treadmill Exercise Stress Testing

    In an Exercise Treadmill stress test, the patient is taken to a stress lab where electrodes are applied to the chest and a BP cuff is attached to the arm. Both are connected to a stress monitor. The stress monitor tracks the heart activity and records the heart function, the patient is closely monitored for any changes that might require the termination for the test. The patient will be given instructions on how to step onto the treadmill and complete the test. Loose clothing and comfortable and secure walking shoes must be worn.